Glad to see you back and congratulations on the new job – hope it’ll turn out permanent for you or another permanent job will be offered. And the weather prospects for Baltimore sure look a lot better than when it was 5 degrees out earlier in January. 8)
Yes that is so (does anyone have a date for that?). However, there are differences. Puck and Burt are grown and Beatrix doesn’t seem to make a fuss most times about bedtime unlike OZ.
Wow what an awful shock to hear about Dick Buttons. I hope he didn’t know about the six or so figure skaters/coaches/parents who died. May he rest in peace – loved his commentary during figure skating events.
Hope things won’t happen in threes. I can think of three figure prominent American figure skaters from the 1950s who are alive.
I’m sorry for your loss – guess missed your original post(s). Toebean prayers purrs and head boops being sent.