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Recent Comments

  1. about 3 years ago on ViewsAmerica

    This looks more like “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”…

  2. about 3 years ago on That is Priceless

    I don’t get it.

  3. over 3 years ago on B.C.

    Agree; if you have to do research to understand a comic strip, the writer has failed.

  4. almost 4 years ago on ViewsAmerica

    I am guessing here: this is a woman who did something naughty online and was discovered; now she’s branded with the scarlet letter. Don’t know who, don’t know where.

  5. about 4 years ago on The Born Loser

    I had a 75 Nova that didn’t have any holes but whenever I made a right turn a mysterious knocking came out of the back right wheel. However, I must say that car made the trip New York-Miami five times and never left me stranded.

  6. over 4 years ago on Momma

    If she were smart, she would say “no”.

  7. almost 5 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    If he was a southpaw, shouldn’t the bat be on his left side?

  8. over 5 years ago on Ziggy

    I love animals but I wouldn’t have a cat at home if my life depended on it.

  9. almost 10 years ago on Brevity

    I don’t get it. Can anyone explain, please?

  10. almost 12 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    shouldn’t it be “someone who always puts HIMSELF first…”?