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  1. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Boy oh boy – that could have been drawn for my husband and me. On an 8 hr. 40 min. flight from Nice (France) to JFK last Thursday, little kids and babies carried on at full pitch the entire time. It was like a flying insane asylum. Then – just as our ears had stopped ringing and we looked forward to a peacful flight to Pittsburgh, here came a family that included a baby that SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER the entire time.

    It would be nice if there were some safe medication that could be given to disruptive children. But that won’t happen in my lifetime. It isn’t fair for the paying public to have their sanity challenged by other people’s disruptive and noisy offspring.

  2. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Boy oh boy – that could have been drawn for my husband and me. On an 8 hr. 40 min. flight from Nice (France) to JFK last Thursday, little kids and babies carried on at full pitch the entire time. It was like a flying insane asylum. Then – just as our ears had stopped ringing and we looked forward to a peacful flight to Pittsburgh, here came a family that included a baby that SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER the entire time.

    It would be nice if there were some safe medication that could be given to disruptive children. But that won’t happen in my lifetime. It isn’t fair for the paying public to have their sanity challenged by other people’s disruptive and noisy offspring.