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  1. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    I second that. If you don’t like Garry Trudeau, and you don’t like what he has to say, then WHY THE HELL ARE YOU READING HIS COMIC? Please keep the pointless, negative comments to yourself. It ruins things for the people here who actually enjoy the strip.

  2. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    To kat827618: While there may be a lot of younger people out there who are unconcerned with current affairs, this generalization does not apply to everyone. I am 16 years old, and I am beginning to actively try to understand what’s happening in the world. Although, I am having a very hard time with that. You are right in thinking that some members of the younger generation are ignorant; they are. But part of that problem stems from the way we are taught: in my U.S. history class last year we spent three months studying the constitution and nothing else, but we covered the time period of the 1950’s- present in about three weeks. We almost completely glossed over Korea and Vietnam. Many high school students are forced to either teach themselves history with little or no help, or ignore it completely in order to focus on other things in their life. (Because with extracurricular activities, AP classes, and family problems, there is often little free time left.) This is part of the reason that so many younger people today don’t understand what’s happening: it’s hard to follow current events when you can’t even figure out what led up to them. But, please recognize that there are some of us out there who are trying to catch up. (Sorry to take up this much time and comment space, folks, but I just thought it needed to be said.)