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  1. over 3 years ago on Luann

    In the middle panel, Tara’s shirt is almost the same color as Luann’s. Do I dare ask what “Grow a pair means”?

  2. over 3 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Don’t forget “.com”.

  3. over 3 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    It too bad character doesn’t build Calvin.

  4. over 4 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    What if Susie showed up?

  5. over 4 years ago on Luann

    Ann towers over everyone else in Eiffelness!

  6. about 5 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Right now it looks like an uppie!

  7. over 5 years ago on Luann

    When is the last time that Brad had an eyebrow at the side of the middle of his forehead?

  8. almost 6 years ago on Luann

    The name of Jesus should not be taken in vain, especially after a vulgar term!

  9. almost 6 years ago on Luann

    How is “Jesus” an introduction to a comment? He should be relevant in every aspect of our lives, though. :o) PTL

  10. about 6 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    This particular mortgage is revocable as far as eternity is concerned, but Calvin will pay the devil in a temporal way unless God overrules (has mercy on Calvin). For eternity, Calvin must receive Jesus Christ as Savior the same as everybody else.