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  1. over 14 years ago on One Big Happy

    My local paper, LV RJ, has a totally different Sunday cartoon for One Big Happy. It is about homework with a word bank of chair, store,park, and horse. The little girl says she sits on a horse (to ride it), she buys food at a park from the carts, plays at the store (while her mother shops, and rides a chair (she loves rockers).

    This is the crux of our education and school testing crises!

  2. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Don’t be harsh on Birthers. Pres Obama posted online his “Certificate of Live Birth” from Hawaii. Birthers come from states with “Birth Certificates” instead and many do not believe Hawaii is really a state of the U.S. They also apparently haven’t understood the Full Faith and Credit clause of our Constitution thinking only their state birth certificates are valid, and they are right, Obama wasn’t born in any of their states. Need for Universal public health treatment for PTSD these folks still having nightmares about Reconstruction Carpetbaggers (feds).

  3. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Don’t be harsh on Birthers. Pres Obama posted online his “Certificate of Live Birth” from Hawaii. Birthers come from states with “Birth Certificates” instead and many do not believe Hawaii is really a state of the U.S. They also apparently haven’t understood the Full Faith and Credit clause of our Constitution thinking only their state birth certificates are valid, and they are right, Obama wasn’t born in any of their states. Need for Universal public health treatment for PTSD these folks still having nightmares about Reconstruction Carpetbaggers (feds).