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Recent Comments

  1. over 13 years ago on Garfield

    I dislike the evolution panel…

  2. almost 14 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    I used to pirate music back in high school. However, I felt bad for doing it. I have since deleted all my downloads and the stuff I actually listened I bought through iTunes. Wasn’t all that expensive either. I don’t really see what is so bad about paying a buck for a song. I will say pirating allowed me to hear the music I liked before I bought it. But now, I have pandora for that. TBH, there is no reason for pirating nowadays, except for maybe wanting to hear the song a couple of times before you buy it. But iTunes has increased their preview lengths, and you can hear many songs through ilike for 1 free listen or even sometimes on youtube.

    This is one story of a pirater gone clean…