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  1. over 15 years ago on Yenny Lopez

    I wouldn’t blame her for walkin home. Those men should of gave her a ride home. Especially her because of that real sexy top!!!

  2. over 15 years ago on Haiku Ewe

    Cool1 Let’s see the dumb snake cry and not make any friends! Ha Ha Ha!

  3. over 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Who leaves a scrapbook on the floor. Especially when it has good dating memories.

  4. over 15 years ago on Ziggy

    I’d ratha eat millions of pigs at once!

  5. over 15 years ago on Yenny Lopez

    What i she tryin to do, get attracted to this guy. She really got the sexy clothes.

  6. over 15 years ago on Working It Out

    They should work on this. There butts are probably already huge!

  7. over 15 years ago on Wizard of Id

    Since when did people sekk poisen apples that are organic. Oh wait, witches with warts on their nose do!

  8. over 15 years ago on The Academia Waltz

    Man this couple has a lot in common, but the guy there is probably telling a lie. Especiaslly about him keeping himself in tip top shape. That guy is huge!

  9. over 15 years ago on The Other Coast

    Who cares about goin skiing. I have betta things to do.

  10. over 15 years ago on One Big Happy

    I wouldn’t waste my money on some nasty ice cream! Especially if it’s like gun pellots.