I did just that. I took 2 years off decided I wanted the degree and returned to finish. My two years off were spent working. I have suggested that to students, too.
Not much into testing. My high school gave everyone a career inventory. I came out as artist or carpenter. The latter because my dad was a mechanic and I knew the names of tools and house parts (my parents built the inside of their house).
My first degree was years ago, and the Mrs degree was passé, then, as was co-ed. (Women were taught “lighter” courses than men.) Are women considering the Mrs degree now? What goes around sometimes does come back around.
Real world versus fiction. I have known people who took time to settle on a major in college. Few people. My parents would never have tolerated the professional student stuff. Luann doesn’t have a job. How long would parents pay for this? Tiffany’s father cut her off for a time. If Luann just wants her”Mrs degree” maybe she’d be better off working.
Amateur radio and Civil War reenacting are good, too. Really.