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  1. over 11 years ago on Doonesbury

    Yeah, SkepticCal, Benghazi with 4 dead is FAR more scandalous than 9/11. There were clues leading up to 9-11, none before Benghazi, but Again, Benghazi is far worse!!..in the mind of idiots! Bush was a joke and morons like you cant admit it :)

  2. almost 13 years ago on Big Top

    will he ever start this back up? This was my all time favorite cartoon!

  3. almost 13 years ago on La Cucaracha

    Yeah, Rush is unfairly picked on..like when he said drug addicts should get prison time…except for when he obtains drugs illegally, then it’s a sickness. You idiots supporting his fat ass are as bad as him :)

  4. over 14 years ago on La Cucaracha

    Lewreader, for your info, teachers spend their ‘summers off’ having to keep their license current by attending workshops or taking college courses at their own expense. They work much more than 8 hours a day by staying after school to help kids and then grading papers at night. A lot skip lunches because students come in for help. I don’t know where you get your info that their ‘advanced degrees’ are paid for, but in some very affluent districts they might offer that, but the vast majority get no help at all. Their pay is well below what most other professionals get until they have been on the job for over 20 years. If the teacher works in a low income area or teaches special needs students, they may get portions of their student loans forgiven. As to the good getting the same pay as the bad, how do you determine that? By student scores? What about the students who don’t care about school, whose parents don’t care about their kids succeeding and who offer no help to the kids? How are teachers responsible for those kids? Since you seem to know so much, I’d love to see you go to an inner city school where you have to walk through metal detectors to get to class and see how effective you are in reaching and helping those kids. I’m sure you would be a TOP teacher! Before you criticize, maybe try actually getting correct info about the subject you profess to be an expert in!