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ChucksAlterEgo Free

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  1. over 15 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    Last I checked, we were gettin the goodies for free (or 99 cents a month if you signed up for the extras). So, there’s not much room for complaining, particularly when the work, delayed or otherwise, is always so good. If the 4-star restaurant across the street wants to give me free filet mignon, I will take it even if I have to wait a bit to get it.

    Also, if this was a once a week Barkeater Lake strip (rather than a daily), you’d check back once a week to read it. That’s what I do. I don’t come here everyday, but just check it every Monday and read what’s there. I’m never disappointed.

    Finally, Corey, you need to get paid man. If this strip, which we know you love, is adding to the burden rather than diminishing it, you should pack it up. I would. Maybe run the reruns for a while to see if the revenue stream becomes a revenue river then get back to it. Otherwise, even struggling, talented artists gotta eat. And quaff the occasional beer or ten.

    Maybe run the reruns during the week and provide a new Sunday strip each week? That may not be much of a break.

    Either way, if there’s more meat on this bone, terrific. If not, I’ve had a good time. You don’t owe me a thing. Thanks for the beer and bacon.