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  1. over 12 years ago on Overboard

    Raymond is a dignified dude dat dunna do demeaning tricks for dense dummies.

  2. over 12 years ago on Overboard

    am I the only one who thinks a shmousie with a kick-hiney ’tude in a lil red convertible is HOT?

  3. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    ALL the major networks have a strong right-wing Republican bias. The latest proof came from a study reported by FAIRNESS AND ACCURACY IN REPORTING. On the Sunday morning talk shows, 70% of their one-on-one interviews with partisans guests were with Republicans. Women and minorities are also ignored. In an 8 month period, Meet the Press had only 6 one-on-one interviews with women. 3 of those 6 shows were with Michele Bachmann. In the last election ALL the major networks and PBS were documented to be more negative about Obama than McCain. FOX’s bias is the most extreme, but all the networks that we allow to use OUR PUBLIC air waves thnk Republican white males are waay more worthy of media attention than the rest of us.

  4. over 13 years ago on Overboard
    Seemingly hapless Henry has figured it out…. " true happiness can only be found in the wanton indulgence of animals." – Hobbes (the tiger).
  5. about 14 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    In 2000-2009 we had the warmest decade ever recorded. Nowadays we have these hi-tech contraptions called “thermometers” that can record how hot or how cold it is ….and those instruments can be found all over the world! They took away all the guesswork. And it turns out that the temperatures recorded on those thermometers prove the earth is warming. I hope Mr Ramirez is not so cynical as to assume his devotees are dullards with access to neither a thermometer nor the news.

  6. over 14 years ago on Non Sequitur

    My favorite strip.

  7. over 15 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Most of us doubt the General is right and that we can win in Afghanistan. (And most of us want health care reform). Our leaders and the media are to the right and out of touch with the people. 3000 Americans drop dead from lack of medical care on our own soil each and every month… the equivalent of twelve 9/11 attacks each year. Yoohoo! elected officials! Looky over here at this tragic pile of bodies right under your noses!

  8. over 15 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    One stupid couple made famous by a pack of sewer rats in the media and peeped at by millions of couch taters for entertainment. Gotta say it’s the couple I find the least creepy.

  9. over 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Parents are always misplacing their kids in public, so you’d think kiddie leashes would be hugely popular. But perish the thought! Leashes are just for keeping Fido safe and secure. The kid, on the other hand, is obviously expendable.

  10. over 15 years ago on Nick Anderson

    Dear poor Scared One, The reform proposals cover U.S. citizens only. Abortions aren’t covered. You get to keep your overpriced private insurance. If we get a public option and the competition brings costs down, you can refuse to benefit from the savings and send your beloved insurance company an extra couple thousand : ) . Just stop the odious lies and don’t try to infringe on the freedom of MILLIONS of Americans who want health care reform with a strong public option.