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- over 15 years ago on Yenny Lopez
over 15 years ago
on MythTickle
I love the two horses on the right in the second panel, they only have eyes for eachother.
over 15 years ago
on Garfield
I have a siamese cat, and an orange tabby. When I drink coffee, I put alot of cream and sugar into it, and then usualy let it get cold, not sure why but its the way I have always drank it. My Tabby (Reeces Peanut Butter Cup) sniffs at it, then runs around in circles like he is disgusted. My siamese (King Tut) always tries to sneak in a few drinks. I try to keep him out of it, but he is persistant.
over 15 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
Ronshua Planet earth is small enough…have you ever even left your town, city or country home? As for Zoo’s…I did happen to work at a zoo before I joined the military, and let me tell you, its not nearly as horrid as you think. Yes some of the animal enclousers were too small, and I watched many zoo keepers, doctors, and staff fight, and work long hard hours to raise enough money to make these enclousers better. I have seen them work with the animals, cry over the animals when they get sick, and I have seen them love the animals usually even more so then they have loved other people. How many animals that were almost extinct thanks to man and their view that the earth is too small, have been brought back to a thriving species thanks to zoos and other wild life protection?
Keep what ever view you like, but honestly this is a comic strip thread, enjoy the comic delight that it was meant to be.
On a side note…Dad knows his son, you cant know someone so well that you dont care about.
over 15 years ago
on MythTickle
I love this comic, Monty Python in graphic setting.
over 15 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
I never wanted kids either. I have two of them, both were unplanned. A girl and a boy with a huge age gap. They have both terrified me enough that I swear my heart stopped and that my world would end. They both have also shown me so much love and trust that it makes me feel as if my heart would burst with pride and joy. Of everything I have ever done, or has happened in my life, nothing compares to having my two munchkins.
over 15 years ago
on Lio
To add to the side question posted by Sisyphos…where is all the furniture and what are the two pictures of? A T-rex and a pink pac man ghost? Cool…
over 15 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
I think what I like best about this comic is that fact that it most resembles what it was like when I grew up. You watched your kids because you knew of the danger, and yet you could turn your back for a minute to buy a drink. Its a comic that is funny because most of us can relate to it from when we were kids, or because of the kids we have now. Its sad though when someone has to look at this comic and anyilize it saying that his parents should have learned, or Calvin has same respect for hobbs as his parents have for him…just enjoy it for what its meant to be…a funny look at life and the innocense everyone seems to lose eventually.
UncaAlby said, 36 minutes ago It’s really a shame because it makes a lot of very beautiful women look in the mirror and start crying about being “too fat.” Well, maybe you ain’t no 80 pound beanpole like those catwalk models, but you sure ain’t fat!
That sure is the truth. I am far from fat, but I do have a large frame. I saw on TV this segment about “plus” size models, and there was nothing “plus” about them. They were beautiful women with curves and actually looked like women! I know the feeling of looking a mirror and crying about size. I was not fat, but it caused me to stop eating, caused several mental issues (such as feeling guilty when I did eat.) It wasnt until I realized that my curves make me sexy that I finally got over it.
Just glad to see that more people understand this type of thing!