
progressivetexasdemocrat Free

retired U.S. Army (draftee Purple Heart recipient Vietnam, WIA 7/69)

Recent Comments

  1. over 10 years ago on Jim Morin

    Talk about throwback Thursday … same conflict, the other side.

  2. almost 11 years ago on Rob Rogers

    I can only repeat myself from an earlier posting on this subject,“I’ve relied on the VA as a primary care provider for forty two years. The services delivered have been very good to excellent depending on location and veteran number fluctuations. Wait times do indeed get longer when there’s an influx of returning veterans after major military engagements. In those forty two years there seems to be a correlation between calls for vouchers and privatization schemes in response to discovery of this or that problem within the system. If memory serves, during the “good years” when major issues are not discovered and brought to light it seems the same privatization and voucher folks are the ones who also vote no on budget appropriations for the VA."

  3. almost 11 years ago on Jim Morin

    I’ve relied on the VA as a primary care provider for forty two years. The services delivered have been very good to excellent depending on location and veteran number fluctuations. Wait times do indeed get longer when there’s an influx of returning veterans after major military engagements. In those forty two years there seems to be a correlation between calls for vouchers and privatization schemes in response to discovery of this or that problem within the system. If memory serves, during the “good years” when major issues are not discovered and brought to light it seems the same privatization and voucher folks are the ones who also vote no on budget appropriations for the VA.

  4. almost 11 years ago on Tom Toles

    Perhaps if rail travel were subsidised to the same level as air travel … who am I kidding? But I can dream, can’t I?

  5. about 11 years ago on Doonesbury

    Been there. Done that. Sadly, it’ll probably happen again.

  6. about 11 years ago on Nick Anderson

    Isn’t that Rand Paul’s Bong?

  7. over 11 years ago on Jim Morin


  8. over 11 years ago on Jim Morin

    I think being a fear mongering, douche bag, fascist, is his day job.

  9. over 12 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    In 1972 The Learning Channel was created by NASA and the Health Department as an educational channel. It was privatized. Now it shows Honey Boo Boo.

  10. over 12 years ago on Nick Anderson

    coffee through nose funny!