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  1. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Well stated vhammon, it’s seems only Americans believe 9/11 was a terrorist attack by Saudis - though millions of you Americans too know it was an inside job.

    The rest of the world knows it was domestic American PNAC terrorists committing yet another false flag attack to garner popular support for an invasion of the Middle East to take control of the oil there.

    Never forget the Gulf of Tonkin incident or ‘Operation Northwoods’ where these home bred psychopaths first proposed murdering American citizens with fake foreign terrorist attacks to justify invading Cuba.

  2. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Fact is you tools have all been had by this living lie Buzz Aldrin who ought to be ashamed of himself for lying to the world about walking on the moon for the past 40 years.

    At least Armstrong didn’t embrace the media circus like him and seems to have a hard time living the lie.

    Don’t ever forget these guys lied about seeing NO stars, yet they claimed to have observed the larger and smaller Magellanic clouds from the 250 degree surface of the moon.

    They are faint satellite galaxies of our milky way with hundreds of thousands of stars too faint to be distinguished individually with the human eye, yet they claim they couldn’t see any stars right here in our galaxy!

    Even Collins claimed he ‘couldn’t remember’ seeing any stars!

    Like this guy was allegedly in orbit around the moon and experiencing the darkest night that any man could ever hope to experience in it’s shadow on the dark side, yet he expects us to believe he didn’t see any stars outside the window of the module.

    Get a grip people and wake up to the real world, these fakes have been lying to you for forty years now.

    I learned all this from a guy called Ken from Dublin, check out his brilliant comments on Metacafe, I was guilty of trying and failing to ridicule him because his truth was so hard to take, but now I have realised he was right all along.

    He is a brilliant blogger and debunker of this moon landing bullshit that we have been lied to about for the past 40 years.

    Thanks Ken for introducing me to the REAL world where these moon landings are about as real as the aliens mad Buzz claimed to have seen up there, lol!

    I sincerely apologise Ken for ever contradicting you.