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  1. over 13 years ago on Thatababy

    and yet, Rumsfeld tells us that the british and americans are softspoken, while we arabs are volatile people that according to him don’t value human life (which makes what he did ok!). Those nursery rhymes are cold and brutal, and softspoken of course.

  2. about 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    there it is.. the west patronizes us about far ahead it is in respecting women, but you still don’t get it: as the Lebanese feminist author Nizar Kabbani has said, it’s demoralizing and mind numming to do house chores. The man here has the unfair advantage of doing a fulfilling job. Anthropologists tells us that women used to be equal providers, playing outside just like men and children, being fulfilled, until men invented the plow. This allowed him to make food on his own, and women were demoted to the unnatural role of cave maintenance. Western psychology studies showed that women loose their ability to enjoy life, compared to men and children. There you have it, the role assigned to women is not natural to them, it’s breaking their spirit. I don’t care if saying that is “passe” in the west, in the middle east we’re heading for a renaissance, and what the west hides under the carpet, we will face head on. I bet you Arabic women engineers will invent the technology that eliminates house chores. Whenever I mention that the life of a woman is still poorly designed, everywhere in the world, western people say “oh no no, we’ve done our 60’s and 70’s and solved all these problems. If you’re just starting you’re 60’s in other cultures, that’s not our problem”. My problem with that is that you. the west, are not done. You have more to fix regarding the absurd traditional roles still assigned to women. Don’t you think you should join countries just getting up on their feet, in re-thinking how women live?