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  1. almost 15 years ago on Jim Morin

    GNWachs In response to your post that the states which allow gun ownership have lower murder rate I hope you know that corelation is not causation.

  2. almost 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    Look Seventeen Million to fix a website isn’t all that much. As someone who as been taking classes in building websites (and only really simple ones too) I have to say it is really difficult. I have spent weeks building my uncle’s website and all it has are a few tabels, some backgrounds and a title. to fix some even one problem on a site as large as the stimulus site it wok take a team of experts hours to even find it. then hours more to find the best way to correct it. It is a complicated skill that really requires a great deal of studing to acheive even a passible level of skill. If you don’t think it’s difficult right click this site and click view source and try to make sence of what it says

  3. almost 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    It’s funny I am a writer, am currently working on a story that can be very depressing it’s about an immortal who rushes at things hoping it will kill him I’m not suicidal I haven’t had a bad childhood but if anyone were to read my book they would think just the opposite that I am just as Danae said “wallowing in boozy self pity”