The teachers from whom I learned the most WERE “fun”. More than that, they were challenging, passionate about their subject, and ENGAGING. Engaging students is key.
Well…except for the laptop, earbuds, and the fact that Bernice is now on some kind of smartphone or e-reader instead of a magazine. The mess in Luann’s room is pretty much the same, though :)
Actually, simply being nice and pleasant is a huge factor. I work retail, and always try to smile and use friendly words to keep the customer comfortable. I don’t know how many people I’ve convinced to buy a little something extra or not put something back. My register totals are pretty good, and I get a lot of Thank Yous for being friendly. And I’m not really fake-y either, I love laughing and being friendly, so it’s just not hard for me.
Delta is one of the MOST changed characters in this strip!