This happened at a small tech company I worked at years ago. The CEO was visiting an out of town potential customer, took them out for a night of dining and drinking, then couldn’t find his rental car the next day. He ended up flying home and telling the rental car company the car was lost. A month later the company was about to pay for it when the car turned up, having been towed from a parking lot as an abandoned vehicle. Ah, the joys of being a CEO rather than a worker. If I had misplaced a rental car I suspect I would have been the one about to pay for it, not the company.
Almost all the houses in my neighborhood are 50-60 years old so neighborhood watch consists of watching the trades trucks create non-navigable mazes in the streets every day.
not true in my household. Even when I realize I am wrong and agree with my wife she has to have the rest of the argument (or at least her side of it with me agreeing to every point) to air all her reasons why she is right and I am wrong.
You know, I’m sure there is a young twit at GoComics who’s laughing their fanny off over having a comic aimed at old geezers and geezettes that is text-heavy display at half the size of the other comics so we have to squint with our face 6 inches from the screen to read it. Grumble, grumble, get off my lawn!
you must have worked for a different breed of startup from the ones where I slaved away in the cheapest office space we could find over a dentist’s office, maybe getting some cold pizza at 2 am, etc.
If the parents are programmers then the kid’s first word are much more likely to be “^%##&*” and “^&%$#” since we spend a lot of time being surprised and frustrated by mistakes in our programs.
This sorta happened to my wife. She had been a university chemistry professor but for altruistic reasons rather difficult to understand decided to try teaching high school and took a job in the worst school in the area. The kids harassed her unmercifully, including throwing spitwads every time she turned her back to write on the dry erase board. The school administrators set up a video camera pointed at the class and of course the hoodlums stole the video camera.
looks like doesn’t exist but the book is available from