Think about how many product liability law suits, a penny farthing style bike would generate in this day and age! We will have to wait until the Take Responsibility for Your Actions movement becomes the law of the land, before there would be any hope of seeing a lot of neat stuff make a come back.
Chupacabra stuffed with ground hazel nut and goat cheese. An old Middle Eastern specialty. If that’s his second or third glass of Retsina, his taste buds might be dulled enough to choke it down.
I think it’s a sign posted at the indoor water park in Paris. Telling you that guys can only go into the water if they are wearing one of those stupid speedos, that the French are so in love with.
We were kicked out of the house after breakfast and told not to come back till dinner time. Seems to me that was a lot better than sitting around and turning into a slug, with no imagination, playing games alone.
A roll of wax paper for the guest bathroom Clyde.