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  1. almost 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Some people live their entire lifetime and wonder if they ever made a difference to the world. Marines don’t have that problem. — Ronald Reagan

  2. almost 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Hobbes..would it be out of line to ask one question about the NOODLE INCIDENT before you leave? : )

  3. almost 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Chrisnp…I dropped out the first time around after I got out. I started to hang out with regular people, dating regular girls, and found my nich. Now I am working on my MBA. Stay the course and surround yourself with good people and it will come.

  4. almost 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    LARRY…I saw the CHEVY CHASE and Dan Akroid”s movie SPIES LIKE US.

  5. about 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Ravesnwing,..what is the ratio of drug cartels in Arizona, Texas, Nevada, and New Mexico, compared with Massachusetts? Think that might be relevant?

    Scooterep1…I have read these post for several years, but rarley bother posting because you don’t normally find well structured arguments. This is more of place for ranting.

  6. about 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Sandfan - maybe he thinks the possibility would cause enough “fear.” IDK

    Doughfoot - It is hard to compare two unrealted groups of people to draw a conclusion. It is harder to compare 6,7,8 etc. There are too many extraneous variables to account for.

    Potrzebie - A cop was not around to pull a legally carried gun to stop the atrocity, either? What is your point?

    Corzak - And he didn’t. Your post can also be read in such a way that the man with a gun was cautious enough to not do what the “Leftwingnuts” are afraid of.

    Ravenswing - 1) a person was there, but didn’t have to act. Use of deadly force is described as the level of force that is necessary to stop the threat. He did not need to shoot, so he didn’t. That would be evidence of proper use, not improper use. Drawing the weapon may be a different issue. 2) Again, the absence of someone with a gun is not relevant. The absence of a cop is! The absence of security is! The absence of a banker, or car saleman, or cook with no gun is not relevant!

  7. about 14 years ago on Bloom County

    A friend of mine works for Neilsen ( although not in the TV sector, he did learn about this through the ad clients). People are too busty to dedicate each night, every night, for TV. They are bound to miss a few episodes, even with DVR/VCR/etc. If they miss too many episodes, they fall behind in the plot line and loose interests in the show. This results in fewer viewers. Fewer viewers means a smaller target audience for the ads. TV stations have to reduce the air space costs, resulting in less money, yet steady costs for the episode. Thus, give show the week off and run reruns. the stations don’ t pay the crew, still sell ad time, and still profit. The viewers can keep up with the shows and see the ads.

  8. about 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Pirate…My comment was more of a blanket statement and ment to hurt your,or anyones, feelings. If you want to get technical, it is not a medic, but a (green) corpsman, and they are NAVY. In fact, the USMC is part of the NAVY. If you want to start a fight over something a benine as this, look for someone else. If your feelings were hurt, grow up. Either way, I don’t care about your opinions or to hen pick

  9. about 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    MOS: Military Occupation Specialty

  10. about 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Frrykid…I am not speaking for them, but it makes sense. The USMC is Self sufficient, but a huge part of the MOS (jobs) is the Corps is combat realted. Furthermore, the folksaying that “all Marines are a basic rifleman” supports the reasoning for that ideaolgy.

    I would be surprised if the USMC wasn’t the highest in opposition to repeal. They would PROBABLY prefer that a person come out of the closet and accept a non combat role as oppopsed to lying, or misleading at best.