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  1. almost 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    More Americans will die from cancer from these machines than from a terrorist attack. This is all BS. This fits in well with someone reared in the land of the Murdochs.

  2. about 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    The Warfare-Welfare party is seeing its Warfare wing split. They will destroy Social Security and Medicare but still spend even more money on the Empire so it doesn’t mean much except to the old people that will lose their retirement and medical coverage but they are the ones voting for these people anyway so you have to admire their self sacrifice.

    It’s like watching Logan’s Run except the runners are using Medicare provided mobility scooters and Zimmer frames.

  3. about 14 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    The Right turned what was left of the Constitution into toilet paper in the Bush years. They want a dictatorship and to round up everyone they hate and kill or cleanse the country of them. Blacks, Muslims, Jews (though not Israelis who are part of the dictator class), Hispanics,and liberals, i.e. about half the country. Then having set up an ethnically pure police state resembling Nazi Germany they will enjoy their freedoms ans send their legions out to mold the world into their image.

    I am not sure how they will pay for it since they bleed the Blue States dry with their welfare demands.

  4. about 14 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Clinton proposed egg regulation and Bush spent 8 years of no interference self regulate fire the inspector Republican moronic talking point bull and blocked it moving forward. Obama pushed forward on the legislation but it was too late. Ramirez and his Republican friends have more innocent blood on their hands.

  5. about 14 years ago on Scott Stantis

    Where are the tea baggers to point out NASA us unconstitutional and should be eliminated? The DoE is a shell for military nukes and they want to axe that.

  6. about 14 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Most of this was under the Bush DoJ if you can call it that. Before Obama was inaugurated. More lies and fear baiting to rile up the base and tear the country apart.

  7. over 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Young Randal Ron’s son is abandoning his principles to get elected like every other so-called conservative Republican. Learning to lie or respond with none answers. On the other hand Bill Clinton and the Democrats stabbed the working class in the back with NAFTA. But the working class wanted to be Reagan Democrats and are happy to vote against their interest. Real Libertarians are disgusted with both parties.

  8. over 14 years ago on Ken Catalino

    I have to admire them for demanding the government cut the socialist programs they are actually on like Medicare and Social Security. Most everyone else loves their socialist programs and hates everyone elses. Farm subsidies, worthless military bases, worthless weapons programs, can be eliminated. They are anti-union except Police and Fire unions which let men retire young with full pay and health benefits. That way they can afford to go to Tea Bag rallies and denounce liberals.

    Tea Baggers happily supported the Republican tax cuts for the rich and spend like drunken sailors policies of the party when they were in charge. They still want to squander the money. Dump all the entitlement money into the Pentagon and the Empire in the phony “national defense” and “liberty” scam.

    That’s why they hate Ron Paul. He calls them out on their insanity.

  9. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Another neo-con beating the drum for war and murdering innocent women and children. Hitler lied Europe into war, Johnson and the generals lied the US into Viet Nam. Bush lied the US into Iraq. Obama and the Generals are lying the US into Iran with the able assistance of a Brit Imperialist cartoonist that knows better.