Concretionist's Profile

Concretionist Free
Reality beats any opinion including my own. :: Bowdlerizers are stupid. Fix by inserting ‍‍ ‍ somewhere into the forbidden word: fu&ck. Both the & and the ; are required. The magic incantation is a "zero-width join", and makes the the bowdlerizer see two words, neither "wrong".  :: GC is enforcing a rule against posting URLs. As always, they've used a cheap parser. URLS consist of a protocol ("https" followed by "://" for example) a "subdomain" such as " a "main part" such as "gocomics" a top level domain (TLD) such as ".com"; then perhaps more "/profile/1264563". Everything from the protocol to the end of the TLD ignores the case, so ".Com" is the same as ".‍com". Work around: Most browsers will fill in the protocol for you, so just don't post it. Then arbitrarily capitalize the various parts up through the TLD, then cut and paste the rest (case MIGHT matter) Thus: GoComics.Com/profile/1264563.
Comics I Follow

By Jef Mallett
Calvin and Hobbes
By Bill Watterson
9 Chickweed Lane
By Brooke McEldowney
Stone Soup
By Jan Eliot
Phoebe and Her Unicorn
By Dana Simpson
Speed Bump
By Dave Coverly
By Leigh Rubin
Non Sequitur
By Wiley Miller
Pearls Before Swine
By Stephan Pastis
By Brian Crane
By Bill Amend
Views of the World
By Cartoon Movement-US
By Cartoon Movement-US
By Cartoon Movement-US
By Cartoon Movement-US
By Cartoon Movement-US
By Cartoon Movement-US
By Cartoon Movement-US
Bob Gorrell

Michael Ramirez

Scott Stantis

Dana Summers

Gary Varvel

Ozy and Millie
By Dana Simpson
Nick Anderson

Robert Ariail

Steve Breen

Chris Britt

Tim Campbell

John Deering

Phil Hands

Joe Heller

Clay Jones

Kevin Kallaugher
Gary Markstein

Marshall Ramsey

Clay Bennett

Steve Benson

By Marty Two Bulls Sr.
Two Party Opera
By Brian Carroll
Jeff Danziger

Matt Davies

Walt Handelsman

Pedro X. Molina

Lalo Alcaraz

Mike Luckovich

Brian McFadden

Jim Morin

Jack Ohman

Joel Pett

Ted Rall

Rob Rogers

Drew Sheneman

Jen Sorensen

Jeff Stahler

Tom the Dancing Bug
By Ruben Bolling
my son decided he’d rather read to himself, because it was faster. Fun while it lasted though!
Exactly why Kid decided to read for himself. And it WAS fun while it lasted.
By the time H. Potter came out, it was my GRANDSON who decided that reading was kinda okay after all. Though he’s still much more attracted to videos than books.