Brain guy dancing hg clr

Concretionist Free

Reality beats any opinion including my own. :: Bowdlerizers are stupid. Fix by inserting ‍‍ ‍ somewhere into the forbidden word: fu&ck. Both the & and the ; are required. The magic incantation is a "zero-width join", and makes the the bowdlerizer see two words, neither "wrong".   :: GC is enforcing a rule against posting URLs. As always, they've used a cheap parser. URLS consist of a protocol ("https" followed by "://" for example) a "subdomain" such as " a "main part" such as "gocomics" a top level domain (TLD) such as ".com"; then perhaps more "/profile/1264563". Everything from the protocol to the end of the TLD ignores the case, so ".Com" is the same as ".‍com". Work around: Most browsers will fill in the protocol for you, so just don't post it. Then arbitrarily capitalize the various parts up through the TLD, then cut and paste the rest (case MIGHT matter) Thus: GoComics.Com/profile/1264563.

Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on Stone Soup

    my son decided he’d rather read to himself, because it was faster. Fun while it lasted though!

    Exactly why Kid decided to read for himself. And it WAS fun while it lasted.

    By the time H. Potter came out, it was my GRANDSON who decided that reading was kinda okay after all. Though he’s still much more attracted to videos than books.

  2. about 6 hours ago on Speed Bump

    Reminds me of Oregon’s Infamous Exploding Whale Incident Of 1970 (duckduckgo that phrase to get details)

  3. about 16 hours ago on Ozy and Millie

    Isn’t that a brand name?

  4. about 16 hours ago on Pickles

    I’ve left the book I was reading in the fridge … in order to have hands to carry away the snack… And it took ridiculously long to figure out where I’d set it down. That was decades ago. Now I just lose my e-reader on a regular basis… though I can almost always find it by retracing my steps.

  5. about 16 hours ago on Rubes

    The nakedness issue is simply a lack of sufficient fur on the OTHER body parts. Also, to be fair, although most non-tech societies prefer to use clothing, they usually also have a considerable amount of freedom to skip that for convenience such as when swimming, or when adjusting the breech clout.

  6. about 16 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    I like the sign in the second panel. Topical humor!

  7. about 16 hours ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    Some houses communicate in words. Until you let your subscription to Alexa lapse… Or send the Unicorn on an errand.

  8. about 16 hours ago on Stone Soup

    I actually enjoyed the bedtime story stuff… was kinda sad when Kid decided he’d rather read to himself. Our last read outloud book was Dr. Doolittle. (sighs).

  9. about 16 hours ago on Frazz

    As a kid, I got the right front seat any time we drove on curvy roads. I stopped being carsick exactly when I started being the driver. Then I got seasick on a cruise. I still get a little green around the edges when I think about sitting at the dining table watching the water tip back and forth in the glass.

    As for the perqs of being adult there’s… hm. Well there IS the joy of deciding all on your own whether you’ll go to work, clean the house etc. Though if you do NOT so choose, you may find yourself living in a tough neighborhood in pretty short order. And I get to stay up this late frittering away my night on Go Comics.

  10. about 16 hours ago on Stone Soup

    Bran is also a high carb unlike psylium husk fiber

    Um. Maybe a little bit?? But its main value for me is the fiber. The secondary values are taste (which makes it more likely I’ll actually eat it) and price (not very expensive in the amount I use).