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Arghhgarrr Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    The problem with the digital age is not that computers can now write book reports but rather that people don’t read books anymore because they are always on their phones reading scrolling headlines and watching pointless videos.

  2. 6 days ago on The Elderberries

    Still probably went better than the Siege of Stalingrad.

  3. 14 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Looks more like a cats down situation to me.

  4. 18 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Bung is a bottle stopper wattle is a turkey’s fleshy chin lobe. The British will take any two such objects and call it a pub.

  5. 18 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Getting the bung out of its hole.

  6. 24 days ago on The Knight Life

    I believe she was also a big fan of butter in her recipes. Deep fried white southern cooking was her style and it showed.

  7. 26 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    who says the tooth fairy is a female?!

  8. about 1 month ago on The Fusco Brothers
    see horse
  9. about 1 month ago on Fred Basset

    Smile your little smile - take some tea with me awhile.

    Brush away that black cloud from your shoulder.

    Twitch your whiskers. Feel that you’re really real.

    Another tea-time - another day older.

    Puff warm breath on your tiny hands.

    You wish you were a man

    who every day can turn another page.

    Behind your glass you sit and look

    at my ever-open book -

    One brown mouse sitting in a cage.

    - Jethro Tull

  10. about 1 month ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Or Pippa Middleton’s hat at William and Kate’s wedding. That was a remarkable feat of engineering.