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Recent Comments

  1. about 11 hours ago on Luann

    I think Moby Dick is hugely overrated as a work of literature. The first couple of chapters (i.e. before they get on the boat) are hilarious, good as anything by Dickens or Scott. But after that it is just a drag with little tension, character development, or importance of ideas. The religious metaphors and literary illusions are strained. However the book does have some interesting descriptions of whaling and sailing vessels that can be insightful but reading a non-fiction book on whaling would be a better use of time. I have read some of Melville’s earlier, semi-autobiographical books, and while the language is nowhere near the quality of 19th century English Literature they at least have an interesting tale to tell. Why Moby Dick is taught in high school when there are so many better books by Hardy, Dickens, Scott, Austin, Shakespeare and others is a mystery to me.

  2. 3 days ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Properly prepared Brussel Sprouts can be very tasty.

  3. 3 days ago on Liberty Meadows

    Because she is shy, sensitive , and insecure

  4. 4 days ago on Rudy Park

    I think Buddhist’s are more likely to believe that the really real is no thing.

  5. 4 days ago on Lio

    I see the date but the drawing looks different. Are these early strips being re-posted?

  6. 4 days ago on Liberty Meadows

    Milk, does a body good.

  7. 4 days ago on Liberty Meadows

    Cow is not really a resident patient more like an occasional terrorist intruder

  8. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    And to think that in the lead up to the American Revolution mobs frequently tore down the houses of Royalist governors by hand, bit by bit, board by board.

  9. 5 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Same reason he has tuna in the house. Bucky eats meat, usually his own foot.

  10. 5 days ago on FoxTrot

    All part of the Full Employment Act.