
Linguist Free

Retired Irish curmudgeon and part-time pirate. Currently hiding out in Ecuador

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Andy Capp

    Someone foolishly gave Flo a credit card.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Andy Capp

    Apropos for GoatKomix, Guído!

  3. about 2 hours ago on That is Priceless

    When asked why I’ve always sported a handlebar mustache, I tell people it saves my ears.

  4. about 2 hours ago on That is Priceless

    Nooo comment! However, it did bring back some fond memories of Arizona.

  5. about 2 hours ago on Baldo

    If you have linguistic mastery in several languages you are considered a polyglot.

    If you are fluent in two languages then you are bilingual.

    If you read, write, and speak only one language – and that one not particularly well – then you’re an American!

  6. about 2 hours ago on Ballard Street

    Helen of Troy was the face that launched a thousand ships. This Troy has a face that sunk the lot!

  7. about 2 hours ago on Ballard Street

    Remember the Maine!

  8. about 3 hours ago on 1 and Done

    I’ve known a couple of women who had both … and one has a hairy … back!

  9. about 3 hours ago on Mike du Jour

    Waffle House – Home of the awful waffle, pathetic pancake, and crappy coffee served up by a tired, overworked, underpaid server with an attitude. Oh, and hapless hashbrowns that are raw in the center!

  10. about 8 hours ago on Andy Capp

    You can get food poisoning – or worse – from a 5-star restaurant just as easily as you can from a street food vendor.

    Considering some of my omniverious eating habits and dubious dining venues I’ve been to throughout the world, I’m amazed that I’m still alive and healthy.

    I’ve only had poisoning twice in my life. Once in a fancy restaurant when I was a kid. The other time at home when I was living in Ireland. ( In retrospect, I strongly suspect my first ex of that one! ).

    The only other reaction or food related illness happened about a dozen years ago when I contracted a hepetitus infection the was traced back to food handler working at the KFC here in the Mall. [ Entirely my bad! I try never to eat food from any KFC ( or Taco Bell for that matter – especially, in shopping malls ).] I’d rather take my chances on papi pollo from a street vendor!