My guess is there will be video tape of Cody running in the park with a hoodie on and then videotape of someone in a hoodie selling pot. Hardly conclusive. Sounds like a job for Detective Kaz!
PING! Hey it’s the girls team. Since the tying run is only on first Something will have to happen tomorrow to get the runner into scoring position, followed by either a great defensive play or a horrible error. Maybe they can turn a double play like the boy’s team.
Hey DarkHorse
Firstoff, I don’t see anybody whining here except you. So settle down or I’ll send you to your room.
Secondly, unlike Whigham, we don’t call ourselves, or get paid to be, an artist.
And lastly, if you don’t like the comments, don’t read them.
I would say you could go to your girlfriends house but since you would be “trotting” off to college that’s not a possibility.