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Recent Comments

  1. almost 8 years ago on Beardo

    you’ll get a rash and smell funny…oh yeah, that’s con crud.

  2. almost 8 years ago on Strange Brew

    scared the dog.

  3. almost 8 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    could read “give money or I will go into politics”

  4. almost 8 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    zip ties Phoebe, zip ties and a gag.

  5. almost 8 years ago on Candorville

    …that moment when you wake up and find yourself handcuffed to thew bed…

  6. almost 8 years ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    maybe it’s that one-eye thing..

  7. almost 8 years ago on Gil

    nice to see Gil get one up once in a while.

  8. almost 8 years ago on Thatababy

    or the version that came with an LP “advance the filmstrip at the beep”

  9. almost 8 years ago on Lay Lines

    shared joy is increased, shared pain is decreased-Mike Callahan

  10. almost 8 years ago on JumpStart
