On the other hand several attorneys who’ve worked for him have lost their licenses to practice law. To me that would seem like too high a price to pay just for the honor to work for Convicted Felon Shitler. And he doesn’t even pay when they present their invoices. If I were an attorney I’d never work for him regardless of what he offered. And considering how many people, and companies, this crook has stiffed I wouldn’t work for him, nor sell anything to him, unless paid in advance.
I’ve often heard people use the old saying “This is not who we are”. Based on the last election I’d say “No, this indeed is who we are”. I just hope that all the morons, a$$holes and idiots who voted these cretins into office — choke on it.
I used to give the supporters of Convicted Felon Shitler the benefit of the doubt, but after all that’s happened since he first took office in 2016 — no more. If someone still supports him now, after all the chaos and insanity that we’ve seen over the last decade, I consider them either evil, a moron, or both. The thing is I always knew there were people like them around, just not so bloody many of them.
Convicted Felon Shitler won by the seventh (7th) smallest vote margin in the history of the country — and you think he won by a landslide? The last election I would call a landslide was the re-election of Ronald Reagan when he won by 18.21 percent of the vote. The biggest vote margin since then was the re-election of Bill Clinton with 8.5 percent of the vote. Convicted Felon Shitler only won by 1.48 percent of the vote. And anyone saying he has a mandate is being just as foolish since 1.48 percent is no more of a mandate than it is a landslide.
Of course he tanked the deal, Musk says that congress shouldn’t pass anything until after January 20th. This will shut down the government and all the blame will fall on the American Taliban, and Musk either doesn’t know, doesn’t care, or both. Meanwhile Convicted Felon Shitler wants them to raise the debt ceiling under the Biden Administration so he can give himself, and his rich buddies, another gigantic tax, cut once he does take office, without worrying about the debt ceiling. He hasn’t even taken office yet and the every day lunacy has already started.
>— Would you like that?
Considering that Denmark is rated as the second happiest country in the world and the U.S. is rated at 23rd — I sure would.