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  1. about 11 years ago on Doonesbury
    Borntalkingback said, about 12 hours ago

    It is a source of endless fascination to me how Americans can bomb nations back to the Dark Ages and then blame them for living there. “If these people want to live in the Dark Ages we should let them.” Doublethink, anyone?

    The real wonder is how Americans can think that they could fashion a working, 21st century democracy in a land, I will not call it a nation, which has two official languages, five more regional languages, forty minor languages and over 200 dialects! (Google Languages of Afghanistan.) Afghanistan as a single entity by colonial European powers long ago, but cannot be said to be a nation.

    As for fashioning working twenty-first century democracies, recent events seem to show that it cannot be done even in countries like Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq or Lebanon. Even Turkey begins to look iffy in that respect.

    bawana is correct. Some of these countries have been in the dark ages for a long, long time.

    It is when they become bases for attack on the USA by such people a Osama bin Laden that they make themselves a target for retaliation – then futile attempts at nation building.

  2. about 15 years ago on B.C.

    When our niece was small my sister would recite a poem to her: There was a little girl who had a little cowlick, right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was bad she was very, very bad, but when she was good she was horrid.

    Our niece was not pleased with this corrupt version!

  3. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    The Nobel Committee awarded the prize to Arafat, Peres and Rabin in 1994. They didn’t get around to awarding the prize, for the same effort, to Carter until 2002, when they wanted to give Bush Jr a kick in the leg.