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Ah, I would have just finished reading volume 8 of the IDW Publishing Dick Tracy reprints! It’s truly vintage material from Chester Gould from the early 1940s, including Pruneface and Mrs. Pruneface. Then, I come over here and spend some time reading over today’s strip and several days before plus all of the snarky (but very funny) comments. I also recall reading it during the Max Allan Collins days two decades back, and it was still a fairly credible approximation of Gould’s work and relatively tightly plotted and written.
Dear gosh, what on earth has happened to Dick Tracy? It’s like some kind of cubist nightmare and the plot meanders around more than the mighty Mississippi. I’d call it a non sequitur but that would be an insult to non sequiturs.
Anyone have any idea how many newspapers still carry this? …And admit it?