Me personally - I like my comic strips to be realitively politic-free. If I want political commentary, I know where to go.
I understand the writer’s right to be involved … but, I don’t have to like it - do I?
Now, all the haters can pile on - yes, the situation is the gulf is tragic - I know that - and am aware. But a daily comic strip is not (in my opinion) the right place to drum up support … that’s my two cents.
My Father’s degree says, “College of Engineering, University of Arkansas”
And - like ses1066 - I am an Army Brat … I had many teachers - and only remember a few of them. My 4th grade teacher. My 6th grade teacher - and a few from high school.
Ahh - reminds me of my LAST round of golf - the year was 1987 - I quit - forever - on the 14th tee of what would have been the most frustrating round of golf, ever. Relaxing - I don’t think so.
I know - the correct usage is ‘I have forgotten’, or ‘I forgot’. But, that grammar rule is MUCH more obscure than the first three grammar rules the kid broke.
What I’m trying to say - is that the first three mistakes are not only mistakes, but they are glaringly obvious mistakes. Nearly every adult American would be able to immediately identify the correct usage in those three cases - and as a result, make a judgement on the upbringing of the child in question.
The 4th mistake is much more likely to escape notice in common speech.
Number me among the one who hate this pelican addition. I’m mere days away from removing DH from my list …