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KatalinaDuBois Free

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  1. almost 14 years ago on Cul de Sac

    I wonder if ears are off the menu as well. That means no corn. :(

  2. about 14 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    heh and so it begins ^^

  3. over 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    jump4joy said, about 1 hour ago

    This reminds me of the lyrics to an old song:

    “I want you…I need you… but there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna love you. Now don’t be sad….’cause two out of three ain’t bad.”

    Meatloaf right?

  4. over 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse


    That is a Brilliant idea! I do not have children myself, but It is a lovely idea to pass on to my friends that do! :) Thank you.

  5. over 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    So what is it with people having the need to do the whole “spoiler alert”? Not that it matters to me so much, because I have swiss cheese memory ^^ But other’s do not.

    So, why the pathetic need to feel as though they are being edgy? Ir Helpful? Or whatever goes on in the mind of a “Spoiler wannabe elitist”

  6. over 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    and that is exactly how i feel about mine. Sure once in a while we disagree on things, and god knows i get pretty bleeep cranky, moody, irritable, and [in my mind] unbearable. And that’s NOT during “that time of month”

    But he loves me, and i love him, we are certainly each others best friend. <3 ahhh yes gotta love those sappy moments :)

  7. almost 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Wow..gotta love how a strip can bring out the true thinking of some people. Bashing and such. And no..this is not aimed at any one person.

    Ok… here’s my take. I come from an abusive background, so automatically, I saw John as being a control freak, and of course hypocritical.

    However, there are two Sides to Every story, that being said, I have to take into account that Elly didn’t really tell John, at least..not that I know of. Well More to the point, she didn’t Ask him, like he asked her.

    Never mind how she felt when he went….the point is He asked, She said Yes.

    She could have asked, and the outcome would be different.

    I digress….

    So after looking at both sides. I think that John was really worried about her. Back then, women were seen as needing protection. And sometimes are still seen that way.

    For all of her faults, John loves Elly, and like most of us who loves someone, we put the Worst scenario into our minds when we’re confronted with the unknown.

    Now, when My boyfriend goes out, be it to his friend’s house, or to his mom, or even cross country to see his dad, Guess what? The worst case scenario goes through my mind. always. But in the end, I trust him, and i know he’s ok.

    He goes through the same with me. :) So, my point after this TL;DR is that I believe John was really worried, and well lets face it…

    Most [not all. i HATE blanket groupings] Most men do not know how, or are capable of sharing there feelings…for Most men it’s a Learned thing,

    And most Women [again, not All] are wired to be fairly high strung and emotional. As such we tend to react stronger to things. And some better than others. [again..Most..not ALL]

    Elly and John simply need to learn how to communicate better. And take each others quirks in stride.


    So sorry for the thesis here.

  8. almost 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I Love her expression in the last panel. I’m pretty sure I’ve given that look Many times!

  9. almost 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Oh by the way, I really love reading everyone’s comments. So many of you are so wonderfully insightful, and share wonderful stories. Thank you. :)

  10. almost 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    They do MrsLuke, they certainly do go both ways. So why do you only go one way?

    I only ask that because yes, you have your opinion, and you passionately stand by that opinion. But no matter how well written, how well thought out, how un-insulting, or even how slightly it differs from yours, you Seem to go on a tangent. A rather negative one at that.

    I’m sorry if anything I said upset you. But then again, if it upset you..perhaps that’s a good thing. I struck a nerve. But that would be rather self righteous of me to think that.

    all I wanted to do was to help you see the other side of the coin. You’re far to quick to judge.

    Now, to answer those that ask why we debate about a comic strip.

    There is another comic done by a personal friend of mine, it is similar in a sense to FBoFW…and there are characters that rise the war in some of us, while others we love dearly.

    And there are some heated debates about them and their actions. Why? Because much like this comic, it’s very “real” meaning, we go through the very same things these characters are going through, we know the very same kinds of people and so on. So it hits closer to home. We Relate to it.

    And lets face it…it’s Fun to have a “Friendly” debate. It shouldn’t be an all out war mind you. It is just a comic with opinions.

    But also look what this comic and others like it has done? It has brought people together right? We’ve got to learn stories of their experiences, good and bad.

    So….in the end, it’s a very Good thing that we all go on our lil tangents about the strip. It brings out our inner story teller :)

    Again, however, i do apologize for upsetting anyone, but not for what I said.