Me hippy cropped

Dewsolo Free

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  1. 4 days ago on Francis

    Correction: Trump is doing okay for Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and the rest of the would-be oligarchs, the hooligans who stormed the capital, the ICE agents who like rounded up brown-skinned people with tattoos (and Canadians, Germans, and anyone else they can send to their for profit ‘detention’ centers).

    He’s not doing ok for disabled veterans, children who have done nothing wrong but to be born into poor families, our National Parks, and American farmers.

    BTW, Marrin IS writing about the Pope and what the Pope is doing and how the Holy Father feels about Trump’s actions to the world’s peoples.

  2. 4 days ago on Swan Eaters

    Father, according Olwen, to Morbis and Offal (and presumably Silas).

  3. 4 days ago on Swan Eaters

    I’d forgotten those visits. Thanks.

    Well, this ought to be ‘interesting’ to say the least.

  4. 4 days ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Unlike other rerunning strips, this one doesn’t repeat in exact order. During some reruns, some story arcs are dropped, but are included in other arcs when some different arcs are dropped.

    It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the arc with Lila working for the pharmaceutical company (or does that happen during the Annie arc?). The arc with Annie’s school seems to change sometimes. We also haven’t seen the arc with Drew’s accident in a while.

    Since the Annie arc (or arcs – there are a lot of substories) are a fan favorite (and also a major development), I think that is presented in every rerun, with all the other arcs alternating, so it seems to come up more often.

  5. 5 days ago on Dog Eat Doug

    Cats can send a message to the mothership to call in an interdictor cruiser that will turn on a gravity well generator that pulls the cat’s psyche out of hyperspace. That causes the cat to return to it’s real weight, which is too heavy for most humans to hold. That’s the way BennieKat explained it to me. He said that wasn’t exactly the physics behind it, but rather put in terms I could understand.

  6. 7 days ago on Dog Eat Doug

    We had one who would turn into a snake when you picked her up. She’d just slither out of your grip and back to the floor. She’d sit on my lap for hours, slept next to me every night, but just would not be picked up.

  7. 7 days ago on Moderately Confused
    but I think that because of what happened in Germany, it won’t happen here. It is happening here, but I think that because we know what happened in Germany, we have a good chance of changing the script. IF we don’t keep thinking “it can’t happen here.”
  8. 7 days ago on Francis

    If it was up to me, I would most certainly allow the ordination of woman in the Catholic church. It’s already allowed in the church I belong to.

    Perhaps if the Catholic hierarchy can’t see the light, and you are so set on women being ordained, you should stop listening to the Catholic hierarchy and be like Martin Luther. It would certainly make more sense than you attacking the people who agree with you but simply don’t have the time (or stamina) to join you right now. [What part of my posts -that are too long for you to read apparently – gave you the idea that I don’t think women should be ordained as priests (pastors, ministers, rabbis, imams)?]

    Now if you want a good debate, go find wherever the GoComic commentator called Free or Not? is hanging out these days and fight with him. He has some really off the wall (to my Protestant mindset) ideas about why women should not be allowed in the priesthood.

  9. 8 days ago on Swan Eaters

    me, too. My older brother laughed at me, but Tink DID come back. So it was good thing I clapped.

  10. 8 days ago on Francis

    Sorry, I was trying to explain so that you wouldn’t misunderstand what I meant.

    I’m sorry that you can’t read long answers to complex questions.

    Simply put, There is too much else happening at the moment for most women to have the time to do anything about the Catholic church being stupid.

    You’re on your own. Sorry.