My Dad was no problem. But my Grandmother (Mom’s mom) said, “Just remember dear, that in most of these situations, the woman ends up on the wrong side of the deal.” The ’don’t ask me how I know’ part was not spoken, but I heard it.
I think I did a better job finding the right man, we’ve been together for nearly 46 years, married for 45+ years.
So how cold was it in DC today? Yesterday I saw a forecast of 26℉ for DC. Do these people not know how to put on gloves, warm shoes/boots and a hat? It got all the way up to 4℉ here today. I wasn’t out in it because I didn’t have to be. I’ve been out, working, at -10℉. I was chilly, but I managed.
Here, also on the shores of Lake Michigan, on the bay of Green Bay, we have maybe an inch or two on the ground. I just hope it’s enough insulation for my daffodils in this cold (currently -2℉ at about 2½ hours after sunrise)
And for the record, -2℉, while not “brutally cold,” is what ‘cold’ really is. (I’m still snickering at people who think 26℉ is too cold for an outdoor gathering)
Before I retired, Monday was my favorite day. I worked more hours with more hassles on the weekends. Monday, after a conference call with the bosses and the other supervisors, I usually took the rest of the day off.
The hardest part of the job was getting friends and acquaintances to remember that I worked weekends and couldn’t be at that Saturday morning workbee like all the 9 to 5 people.
“I wouldn’t necessarily attribute what you saw to malice.”
Not malice, just ignorance and/or disrespect for etiquette.