Please make sure that you tell all of us who did not read this originally what is going to happen. It makes it so much better. Any movies y’all haven’t seen yet? Maybe I can tell you how they end so you will enjoy them much more.
I remember the first time I ever flew. I had a window seat just behind the wing. The engines were mounted on the wing with that particular plane. Everything was fine until we started to land and condensation started running out of the engine, with soot in it so it looked like oil. Well, it wasn’t bad so I didn’t panic but then on the ground the thrust reversers came flying up and it looked like the engine was coming apart. My heart was in my throat with this until I saw them clasp together behind the engine and stay there. That’s when I realized what they were.
Well, since she seems to want to charge for cooking and cleaning, maybe he should start charging her for rent and utilities that she is using, along with the cost of what she eats and don’t forget the rent on the vehicle she uses.
They didn’t call it high school for nothing.