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  1. almost 11 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    just a reminder , kids….reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times and tripled the deficit .

    w. bush raised the debt ceiling 7 times and made up a war called iraq . i DO NOT want to hear about how bad the democrats are from republicans .

    both parties are bought and sold…leaving the citizens with nothing .


  2. over 13 years ago on Pat Oliphant


    pat oliphant has been a genius for over 5 decades . he has stll got ” it ”

    rapier wit . makes me think . he is not on the left or the right , but makes careful observations of our society of empire .

  3. almost 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    does anyone in D.C. read history ?

    the romans could not subdue the parthians . every empire from britain [ twice ] to the soviet union that has attempted to go into afghanistan has gotten their bleeep kicked .

    i am sick of american hubris practiced by way upper–clbleeep people who have no feel for the common man . as of yesterday…since 2001…the “wars ” in iraq/afghanistan have cost american taxpayers 950 BILLION dollars .

    enough is enough !

    mark mac