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LadyPeterW Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 3 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Happy anniversary!

  2. about 3 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Happy Anniversary!!! I have a news feed on my phone that I can “customize”, you’d be surprised how " well informed" you can be, just reading headlines. Trick for people who actually read news; the most important parts of the article are in the first paragraphs. The farthur down the article you go, the less the importance of the things you’re reading. Journalism dictated that, so that articles can be cut to fit the page & all the news can be printed.

  3. 1 day ago on Doodle Town

    There go my veg of roasted brussells sprouts with the rest of dinner!

  4. 1 day ago on Fred Basset

    Oh, yes she does! But his kibbitzing over her shoulder threw her off & of course, that dratted lil white ball of tears went straight for the bunker!

  5. 4 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    I like most of the music from “Cats”, but the movie & stage-play are crashing bores!

  6. 5 days ago on Frazz

    Amen! Outflanked & outwitted! But, youth has no wits, so, it’s easy.

  7. 5 days ago on MythTickle

    Believe it or not, that was exactly what I thought! “Hmm, the Romulans don’t allow their foods to touch! And, that’s how they found the Romulan Infiltraitor in that Star Trek novel!” Live long & prosper.

  8. 5 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    It’s Scottish; mundering aboot. As in aimless wandering. Have NO idea what that would be in the King’s English. I’ve just always used it.

  9. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes! Changing back to jeans & a t-shirt to break down camp, pack up & go home, at the end of the weekend, always feels a lil undressed for a while! I usually wear 3-4 skirts, (being an officer’s wife, I’m “richer”) & when its’s very hot I feel odd in just 2!

  10. 6 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Because we’re used to the fashions we have now, it seems incredible that a woman could actually handle being in all the layers & froofroo, furbellows, lace & what-have-you. But, we do Rev War reenacting & you get used to it, adjust accordingly & then reach a place where you handle it like they did. Which is to say, it’s totally normal, usual & how life goes.