
Arlen Dean Snyder Free

Manhattan Hermit gone to seed on Block Island, Rhode Island

Recent Comments

  1. over 9 years ago on Chan Lowe

    Hoe else can they glorify their inhumane god?Snar

  2. almost 12 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    It’s the corporate suits, stupid.Snar

  3. over 12 years ago on Views of the World

    Dear Northern Redman must never have tasted cheese from this country. It’s not like Usa really matters — except to Usans.Snar

  4. about 14 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    New York, New York: My kind of town!

  5. over 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    J. from a month ago. Sorry, friend, I don’t do this much. However, I believe between the two of us, we might articulate a relatively open, honest position. In reference to the present White House, corporate minion/hired manager, if on a November day in 2008, you heard a gnashing of teeth, a self-flagelation and a wearing of sack cloth and ashes which was coming from upper Manhattan, that was me. My estimation of President Obama as Senator Obama was “he’s a pledge to the big boys’ club.” Why didn’t I do anything about it? I tried. Am I the only one who believes the seldom mentioned. feisty, Representative from Ohio (with a 6’3” redhead wife that any honest man would desire and any responsible man would cheer Dennis on) would be the best possible inheritor of that other country bumpkin, Harry S (not a name, an imagined middle initial). No matter how HST screwed up, almost as much as he succeeded, able and willing to stand and say, “This is me, Harry S. Truman, who made that decision and, according to what I knew, would make the same decision today.” Do you think that great “maverick (in his dreams)” would have the courage to stand and declare “The buck stops here!” He didn’t know what a buck was – other than 100 pennies to be traded and offered in a career he felt was easier than his father’s and grandfather’s. Peace (or at least an attempt at), Snar P.S. Since I so seldom go to this site and, because I like your mind and arguments (you really make me stretch to feel superior), if you’re interested, please reply to me at

  6. over 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Cpt. Jay Would you care to check out the duration in which Paulson was in office as the Treasury Secretary? Snar

  7. over 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    So much sound and fury, signifying nada!