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  1. over 14 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Awww poor moderator, wanna guess wat is going to happen? Someone gets upset and sues, then it goes to court. Then you have different decisions by judges till it gets to the US Supreme Court who by Article 3 can only decide if the law is constitutional. Since there are already restrictions on free speech and the first amendment (cannot yell fire n a crowded theater and so on) then it is perfectly legal to make using some words illegal as a precedent has already been set. As such you CAN make some words illegal to be used and Canada already has proved that. My source? Arthur Oneil and Mertz LPA and Judge Nathaniel R. Jones, retired 6th US District Court (one step below the US Supreme Court)

    So if you think you are safe in using the term “retarded” as a joke or an insult and that you cannot be prosecuted…I would strongly rethink that position and learn to find another word to use or you could find yourself in a whole heap of trouble!

  2. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    nonsequitous said, about 1 hour ago

    ”Are you kidding, dasandman? Wiley’s comic is an endless parade of misanthropy and male-bashing… and his charming little “retard” comment in today’s strip demonstrates a major insensitivity towards the mentally

    Socially, CK, not mentally, socially. There’s a difference. Next you’ll be complaining about auto mechanics when they speak of ‘retarding’ the ignition timing.

    challenged.” – CKO86

    And yet, here you are. Reading. And … commenting.

    Slow day on the whatever-else-it-is-you-do-besides-pearls-before-swine front?

    No nonsequitous, it is NOT ok., you are just blowing smoke and splitting hairs. Willey could have used “socially backword” or inept or a hundred other different ways to say this and get his point across. Instead he tries to use a cheap and disgusting shot at people who cannot fight back. Wanda Sykes and the rest of the characters that do the “dont use gay to mean stupid” PSA’s have ALL of them used “thats so retarded” in their acts. So I guess it is somehow ok for them to make fun of mentally disabled people but how dare you make fun of their lifestyle choice. People like you and them are going to have to learn that words have meaning and if you intend to use them like this then dont be a bit suprised when some very upset people have an angry police officer cuff you and stuff you and then after the judge throws the book at you for using hate speech and violating federal law….then you can spend a while sleeping with one eye open to make sure that your cell mate does not want to get all touchy fealy with you in the middle of the night, or rename you his “mrs.”

  3. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    For all of you thinking that using the term “retard” or “retarded” as a joke/insult when meaning mental illness had better wise up really quickly. President Obama just signed the Defense bill into law and added to this was a nice amendment that added homosexuality to the “protected” list As well as classifying use of language attacking anyone who is mentally disabled or physically disabled…a federal felony and is now considered Hate Speech. This means that Mr. Willey can be prosecuted if someone makes a big enough stink about today’s cartoon and he is not protected by the First Amendment as he is not a reporter. He has the right of free speech but he also has the right to take the fall out as words have meaning. My source on this is Agent Thomas from the United States Department of Justice in Washington DC. A complaint has already been filed about this with Universal Syndicate and so far over 2000 newspapers will be running apologies in tomorrows paper for printing this. And if you dont think something will come of this, guess again. Doonsbury also used a vile comment about retardation and the outcry grew so large that he had to make a public apology on his website and so did Universal Syndicate or get hit with a national boycott on all that Universal was selling until the apology was made. And Doonsbury is by far, bigger then Mr.Miller will ever be and if they can make him and Universal blink and back down..what chance does Mr.Miller have?