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Richard S Russell Premium

A lefty (both senses) SF fan retired from a career in public service, currently living in Madison, Wisconsin, a state so wonderful people are willing to put up with the winters just to live here.

Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Note that I asked for facts. What you gave me were catchwords.

    What about the tragedy of Benghazi? (I can hardly wait; this should be good!)

    What about those e-mails did you not have addressed during Secretary Clinton’s day-long testimony before a Congressional committee, during which she answered every question forthrightly without resorting to the 5th Amendment (unlike another prominent politician whom I won’t mention by name). What came of that investigation? Nothing whatsoever, and for good reason. It was an imaginary issue. No security was breached, and no state secrets were ever revealed.

    Face it, dude, if this is what you’re scrambling to assemble in the name of “facts” disproving her qualifications, you got nothin’.

    Hillary Clinton has a law degree from Yale, served as a Congressional legal counsel, spent 8 years living in the White House, served in the legislative branch as a US Senator, and was a highly competent and respected Secretary of State who (among other things) orchestrated international pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions. Find me anybody else in American history with that kind of résumé.

  2. about 12 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Thanks for adding to the already mountainous pile of evidence that MAGA “thinking” is typically nothing but insults, no facts or reasoning whatsoever.

  3. about 12 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Who said anything about Republicans? You said you’re open to “both sides” in general, not specifically with respect to political parties. But, even if we were, why did you immediately jump to the conclusion that it was the Republicans who were most likely to be the flat-Earthers?

    Are you also open to the idea that some topics fall along a spectrum and aren’t restricted to the binary of only 2 options implied by the word “both”? Or did you really mean that literally, in the black/white sense?

  4. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    Both sides? Like the ones who say the Earth is round and the ones who say it’s flat? And you think that’s a GOOD thing?

  5. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    The Oracle at Delphi ran the same kind of “you can have it both ways” scam, notably the one about how “a great empire will be destroyed”.

  6. 1 day ago on Monty

    Y’know, there are songs like this that I can’t get thru in karaoke, no matter how much I love them.

  7. 1 day ago on La Cucaracha

    Despite the ceremony being held indoors, the massive crowd will be huge, HUGE, HUGE, YUUUUUUGGGGE!. Biggest ever, most magnificent turnout in recorded history, the adoring throngs, men fainting, strong women weeping, all overcome with boundless joy at the most momentous, glorious, supremely ecstatic pinnacle of spectacularity the world has ever known or ever WILL know. (All true, we have it on the highest authority. And would he ever lie to you?)

  8. 1 day ago on La Cucaracha

    “Bone-chilling temperatures”, or what we here in Wisconsin think of as “spring right around the corner”.

  9. 1 day ago on La Cucaracha

    Ever notice that none of Trump’s sycophants can point to any FACTS about his character, qualifications, or accomplishments to support their slavish devotion? They just fall back on “He’s so great” and “You’ve all got TDS”, because two short, repetitive phrases is all their tiny brains have room for on any given subject.

  10. 1 day ago on La Cucaracha

    Wasn’t “Make America Great Again” the motto of the first regime of Disaster Pumpkin back in 2017-2021? Apparently the fact that he’s still singing out of the same hymnal is a concession that he didn’t get the job done then.