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Richard S Russell Premium

A lefty (both senses) SF fan retired from a career in public service, currently living in Madison, Wisconsin, a state so wonderful people are willing to put up with the winters just to live here.

Recent Comments

  1. about 7 hours ago on Rob Rogers

    If it functions like a machine gun — able to get off a hundred rounds in under a minute — it shouldn’t matter if it’s assembled from Y-shaped sticks and rubber bands.

  2. about 7 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    Actually, the legal name is Fox News Network, and that’s their justification for slapping their logo on every picture they broadcast, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. (It’s in the lower-left corner, tho.) This leads some people who are slow on the uptake to think that every program on the network is actually news, when 90% of it is commentary. Not exactly false advertising, but not exactly honest, either.

  3. about 17 hours ago on La Cucaracha

    The term “chump” brings to mind the Doonesbury Sunday strip from a couple of weeks ago, in which an obviously poor family is trying to figure out what financial corners to cut while their kids go hungry so they can find a few bucks to spare to send to poor, poor Mr. Trump.

  4. about 17 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Actually, time travel has been invented several times already by lone scientists working in secret. And of course they themselves are the first ones to try it out without telling anybody else. Only for a short test hop of a day or two, tho. And it works! And they find themselves floating around in open space several days before the Earth arrives there. And that’s the last anyone hears about it.

  5. about 17 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Speaking of proper grammar, “loan” is a noun; the verb you’re looking for is “lend”.

  6. about 17 hours ago on Non Sequitur

     Somewhere in Time is the most heart-breaking movie I’ve ever seen. But it illustrates marvelously well why Christopher Reeve had the good sense to build into his film contract a provision that his predecessor as Superman, George Reeves, never had: that he’d be guaranteed to have at least one non-Superman movie between each appearance as the Man of Steel, to avoid typecasting. And so he did, quite successfully, showing that he wasn’t just a one-note actor.

  7. about 17 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Thereby nicely illustrating the difference between “can” and “may”.

  8. about 17 hours ago on Monty

    “Birds have always been terrorists. They’ve been flying into buildings forever. They’re just not very good at it.” —Randi Rhodes, “The Randi Rhodes Show”, 2005 Oct. 5, on the Bush Administration’s idea of using the military to combat avian flu

  9. about 18 hours ago on La Cucaracha

    Well, in fairness, since he’s technically a first offender and it wasn’t a crime of violence, the most likely sentence for ANYBODY would’ve been probation. But I’d love to see an ankle-bracelet and home-confinement requirement tacked onto it.

  10. about 18 hours ago on La Cucaracha

    Seems right. That’s what he did back in 2016 with Mike Pence. And that paid off handsomely with nearly 4 years of obsequious book-licking and yes-sirring until old Mr. Indiana Evangelical finally got a chance to demonstrate some vestigial evidence of a spine on 2021 January 6. I gotta wonder how much of that apparent moral rectitude was really due to his finally having a chance to stick it to his tormentor and look all self-righteous while doing it.