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  1. over 11 years ago on Rose is Rose

    That’s because they’re all here in NC; they start blinking even before dark!! Wonderful to sit on the screened porch and watch them.

  2. about 12 years ago on Frazz

    I haven’t made banana bread for years (I live alone and don’t need the calories) but this recipe is very much like (if not identical to) the one I used to make when I was younger. I won a blue ribbon at the UP State Fair for that banana bread — especially memorable because my sister (who was the better cook/baker) didn’t!! I won on her turf! We were less than a year apart in age and — in my opinion — had only two genes in common: we were both female and both had blue eyes.

  3. about 12 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    My toy poodle chose me. She was at a local farmers’ market with the shelter owner who’d brought her and several other dogs so they could be seen by shoppers. Lady walked up to me on her hind legs. When I sat down to talk with the shelter owner, she climbed into my lap and went to sleep. Three days later she and a companion (Prince, the ’Chug") joined my household.

  4. about 13 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    RE: “two-buck Chuck” (Charles Shaw wine)Unless it’s changed since I left Long Beach, it’s $1.99 a bottle in CA and $2.99 a bottle elsewhere, so both are correct depending on where you live. I’m now in NC and still buy their Pinot Grigi whenever I go into TJs,

  5. over 14 years ago on Cathy Classics

    I agree with the earlier commenters re: the negative comments. If you don’t like the strip: DON”T READ IT!! I don’t remember when I first began reading Cathy, but it was many years ago and I have enjoyed it very much. I hope you enjoy your retirement, Ms. Guisewhite and, should you ever want to return, there are many of us who would be happy to see Cathy again.