Apparently this might be fake news… but in an age where people like Musk and Zuckerberg are happy to remove fact-checkers from X and Facebook -why not leave this post up anyhow? If people are going to be improperly informed and influenced from the Right, why not play with the same tactics fromthe Left?. It would be suicide not to!
In 1998 Trump actually admitted to People Magazine that “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican . They”re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They love anything on Fox News . I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.
Depends on WHO’s health you are caring about! You are obviously talking about abortion. That polemic will never find a satisfactory solution because the two sides are really talking about two different things. Anti-abortionists are focused on the baby (or foetus or zygote – whatever you want to call it – – the “innocent victim” – and consider it murder. It is. And tehy are right within the confines of THEIR context. Pro-abrotionists are focused on the right of an individual to decide what happens to one’s OWN body. From this perspective, THEY are right. And the twain willnever meet beause they are really talking about two different things.
No need to say “strong”. Weak women do that too! “I was too drunk to give consent”. How’s that for an insistance of non-accountability? (But if the guy says “I was too drunk to be a gentleman” – NOBODY lets HIM off the hook!Feminism is no longer about equality and all about domination! SHHHH! )
I suspect it is a bit like kids eating dirt. It improves the body’s immunity. Being too clean and sterile is not natural and in the end can create more problems. Unless someone has a highly infectious disease like smallpox (already eradicated)… leaving the lid up is NOT as bad as you are making out. For at least three generations, people didn’t really bother with this entire toilet seat mania… and they and their children got along just fine. In many public washrooms there isn’t even a lid, and the population is burgeoning nevertheless. Now it has become one more thing to be ordered around about… either for health or ""because I’m a woman, how dare you not respect my needs" blah blah…The real problem is not for one’s health, but a psychological one.Women LOVE to feel that they are controlling everything in their environment. It reassures and makes them feel stronger. It’s like the lady who orders a salad, then gives a ten-point list of how to make it, what to use or not use, and becomes as big a headache to the serving staff and the chef as she probably is at home. It’s power-tripping… no more, no less. Why not at least admit it?
Felonius Trump?