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  1. over 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Actually, bandz, I was laughing at the story of little Sean. It was cute. Children are so innocent at that age.

    Besides, as a former 2-AM-barfer- who-bawled-over-the-toilet-until-my-sister-got-my-mom-up-to-comfort-me, I can relate to this comic and I find it funny.

    It actually reminds me of when I was home alone with my older brother when I was eleven. He wound up getting the stomache flu and the following conversation went like this-

    him (rushed)-‘Get the barf bucket!’ me-‘What?’ him- (even more rushed) ‘the barf bucket!’ me- What? him- Too late!

    Yeah. Big mess. All over the couch and blankets. My oldest sister (an LPN) came over to help me clean it up and was making light of the situation, calling him a dragon.

    Barfing is just part of family life. Sure, it pisses us off when it happens, but afterwords, it makes for a great story. Who hasn’t been there?