Hildigunnur a  vox

hildigunnurr Premium

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  1. 2 days ago on Heart of the City

    Mom, NOOO! :o

  2. 5 days ago on Edge City

    or an assortment of craft beers. Gave my man a basket like that once. Not for Valentines though, we don’t celebrate that day.

  3. 11 days ago on Aunty Acid

    Blue, any day, nobody really remembers all those mistakes except for oneself!

  4. 11 days ago on Baby Blues

    especially since he didn’t mention her at all!

  5. 12 days ago on Edge City

    not in Iceland, nope.

  6. 13 days ago on Edge City

    this is a rerun of course, not sure when it was written. But it seems things aren’t getting worse, not where I live anyway, I think kids are better behaved and more courteous than when I started teaching 30 years ago.

  7. 21 days ago on Heart of the City

    oh that’s really horrid :’( and another thing I often say, respect must be earned and respect is learned by setting an exemple, not by punishment, nevermind making fun of the child!

    I certainly can understand why some people can’t manage easily and am of course speaking off of my high horse with my last paragraph earlier. Sorry ’bout that too!

  8. 21 days ago on On A Claire Day

    Oh I certainly don’t think that, I’ve worked in an office but last summer I had to be at the hospital for a while and no way an office worker can be close to an ICU nurse or an emergency room one in stress levels. (I do realise not all nurses have such a stressful job). Also teaching a roomful of 13 year olds. (done that too).

    And nope, I don’t make quite as much money as my husband but I do love my job and would hate staying home all day. We’ve always both worked and divided the chores pretty equally between us (he maybe takes a little bit more if anything).

  9. 22 days ago on On A Claire Day

    uh what? no! There are way harder jobs that pay less so if one sits in an office all day but has a decent pay and the other is a kindergarten teacher or retail worker, handling difficult customers all day or nurse’s aide in an overworked hospital ward but less paid than the office worker (programmer or something) the one with the constant noise and running around all day certainly shouldn’t be the one doing the most chores too!

  10. 22 days ago on Heart of the City

    Certainly it’s time for HER to invite YOU for a celebration!

    I sometimes tell this anecdote:I’m a cat person but a parent should really go through these phases.First, your child is like a puppy. Adores mummy and daddy, they can’t do anything wrong, you see pure adoration in their eyes.Then they turn into a preteen and teen. Then you’ve got yourself a cat. Sure, they’ll love you in their own way but don’t you dare telling them what to do, the very best scenario is that they’ll look at you with disdain and say: what? do you think you have any authority over me? I’m almost a grown up and I’ll do what I want!Then your child actually grows up. And when you hear the sentence: oh mom (or dad) sit down, you’ve done so much, I’ll bring you a cup of coffee and do the dishes. Then you know you have your puppy again!

    (A lot of times I told this I got huge eyes back from people with grown up children, never having gotten the puppy back. That’s upbringing, I guess ;)