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  1. over 11 years ago on Luann

    OK this has gone too far…I have an idea what happened. I bet Tiffany…er, “Sheraton”…volunteered months ago to help send out the letters…and made sure Luann got rejected. Now…Quill needs to man up and say I Quit or something, and then the counselor lady asks him what is wrong, and he says “I flew halfway around the world to go to this drama camp with my girlfriend, and she did not get in”…and then the counselor lady says something like…“why not? We did not reject anyone”…or something…then Tiffany tries to sneak off…the jig is up…and next scene, Quill and the counselor are ringing Luann’s doorbell, explaining the mess, and she gets to go to camp and Tiffany…er, Sheraton…gets kicked out! PLEASE let it happen!!!