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I was puzzled too, but Google’s your friend. A search for “stove clock joke” turns up:
Joke: Why doesn’t a woman need a watch? Because there’s a clock on the stove.
Dang, del_grande, you beat me to it.
$ grep vv /usr/share/dict/web2 civvy devvel Divvers divvy flivver navvy savvy sivvens skivvies snavvle trivvet uvver
Of those, I only recognize civvy, divvy, navvy, and savvy. (And my built-in spellcheck doesn’t recognize civvy.)
If his head’s worth a million dollars, think how much the rest of him is worth. The fingers they typed the Red Rascal into existence must be worth a pretty penny, too.
Just white? Not even black and white? That’s really old-time TV!
All it needs is an OUT OF ORDER sign.
I was puzzled too, but Google’s your friend. A search for “stove clock joke” turns up:
Joke: Why doesn’t a woman need a watch? Because there’s a clock on the stove.