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Shalamar Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    Thanks, that gave me a good laugh! First you thank me for helping this comic out, and then you ask me to carry on elsewhere. Funny. And not just “odd” funny, but “really” funny. Again, I thank you for the laughs. You never fail to deliver.

    I also thank you for cleaning up your posts. They are much cleaner and not descending into childish name calling as before. Good job! You are learning well, and that also makes me feel I have accomplished another important task.

    Thanks to the rest as well for limiting personal attacks. It is great to see and everyone is better off for it.

  2. about 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    You’re welcome Lonewolf. I said from the beginning that I liked this comic, so if I can help (if you believe lots of comments is helpful -can’t hurt, right?) then I’ve accomplished two things. Both of which make me feel pretty good, not just for this comic, but for the wider population of comics on this site. Thanks to all for some good discussions. It has beens loads of fun, and thanks to those who sent me private messages of support as well. I know there are lots of people following this thread.

  3. about 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    Thanks JFried, and kudos to you too for sticking up for what you believe in.

  4. about 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    Hi MoParMitch,

    I don’t take offense at your comments. I understand where it is coming from. You stick up for people and that is a really good and rare trait to have. Thanks for doing that.

  5. about 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    The reality is that I can’t dictate who you should favorite and who you shouldn’t. To try would be futile. So where is this mysterious pedestal then? Please get your facts straight. I simply asked that any “manufactured” popularity be toned down as it has an effect on all creators that graciously share this space.

    You and I know very well what the response to my request most certainly should have been: a backlash of epic proportions demonstrating unparalleled support.

    But guess what? Something else happened! And this site’s main page now features a nice variety of favorites, and is a more diverse place to visit. The results are (in the words of our most gracious predecessor) “way in”.

    That’s not to say I don’t like this comic. I already stated otherwise. I just believe this site is for all, not just one.

    And maybe you’ve experienced interaction, but my experience was quite different. I found my words twisted beyond recognition simply because I wasn’t blowing smoke up the creator’s you-know-where. That’s not interaction in my book.

    Read through the comments of the other creators you mentioned. I know many of them. If they disagree with a statement made, they’ll say so, sometimes strongly, but they won’t distort the reader’s comments. They’ll also welcome all viewpoints and moderate other reader’s comments should they descend into childish attacks. They certainly will not encourage such behavior.

    Pompous? I really don’t care. Diatribe? I really, really don’t care. In fact I thank you for the comic relief. If you were going for something else, as I said before, try a bit harder. You’ll get there eventually.

    And yes, you may judge for yourself. You have my permission.

  6. about 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    Thanks for your message – no need to apologize, but the sentiment is appreciated.

    And thanks for reigning things in – the difference has been immediate and noticeable.

    I find it interesting that on one hand you encourage readers to “favorite” your comic, and on the next you say that you have no affect on what readers do. It’s clear that you would not make such a request unless you believed it would have an effect.

    Where we may differ the most may be our view on the type of attention a comic gets. I don’t believe controversy is always a good thing, particularly when it comes at a cost to other creators who share this site graciously, and only ask for the same in return.

    In my opinion a “serious” cartoonist does not take actions that are detrimental to fellow creators. A number of people have said privately that they believe there’s an issue with the current system and would appreciate changes. Until that time comes, the system in place is all we’ve got to work with.

    On a site like this, you may not always have a clear picture of whom you are talking to. Joking around is ok, and encouraged, but intentionally misrepresenting the comments of a reader, be they a casual fan, or an editor of this syndicate or another, may not be in your best interest.

    And for those who in one breath throw out terms like “troll” and in the next, degrade into childish name-calling, I can only suggest you familiarize yourselves with meaning of the term. And then, bring it on – your comments are mildly comical and tell me much about you. I don’t take your comments to heart, so if that’s the best you can do, maybe you should try a little harder.

  7. over 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    Hi Thom,

    I’m not offended in the least. I read your comic regularly and would enjoy seeing it in my local paper.

    The point is that I see it front and center on the main page with surprising regularity, and that regularity is manufactured by a single individual.

    I count myself as a fan of many different comics, including yours, and am simply asking that one individual to cut back on their habit of trying to get it front and center as it detracts from all the other great strips that appear on this site, of which there are many.

    Whether you, as the offender general, will reign that in is entirely up to you. That’s only my request, and I don’t expect to see much support for that request here.

  8. over 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    Thom, Lonewolf, it’d be nice to see an even distribution of strips on the main page of this site. I ask you to please cut back on the nearly daily favoriting of this strip so that we can see some of the other 150ish strips there on an equal basis. I realise this is a favorite strip of yours, but let’s not get out of hand. It seems like the majority of times I come to this site’s main page, your strip is staring back at me.