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Recent Comments

  1. over 14 years ago on Ziggy

    Tom and Ziggy : Merry Christmas ! Always concerned about the Ziggy, always support Ziggy. I ask, Christmas this day, Ziggy Where is it? What to eat?

  2. almost 15 years ago on Ziggy

    Though I am a Ziggy’s new friend, but I love it! He was cute, smart, kind-hearted. Whether he was wearing any clothes, I still like him, miss him. I wish Merry Christmas Ziggy!

  3. almost 15 years ago on Ziggy

    When ,is my lucky day ? I would like to ask her to estimate. And I would like to ask Ziggy? I hope one day in 2009, or 2010. I look forward to this day, lucky day, come as soon as possible.My dearest Ziggy , ok?
