St michael from botticini

JustAnotherMichael Free

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  1. over 14 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    It seems to me that Corey has just plain moved on, and that’s the author’s right whether we fans of Barkeater Lake agree with his choice, or not.

    I only hope that if he still owes anybody a book or a refund that he makes good on it before he totally lets go.

    I’m still going to miss Barkeater Lake though. It was fresh, funny, and wry, and the characters were people (and dogs) that I actually came to care about.

    Oh well, life ain’t fair. Move over one chair, please, Banks, I need a whiskey-and-bacon to go.

  2. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    No doubt there are some cheaters, but no doubt there are a lot of people who are doing their best in an unfriendly economy. They did their best and still got laid off. There is no way I’m going to judge those people for accepting enough assistance to keep going, because once you are homeless, it becomes awfully hard to get a job because you don’t have an address. (Yeah, Catch-22 there.)

    On the bright side there are success stories. I know somebody who was bringing Saturday lunch to the same homeless guy for a couple of years (the shelter didn’t serve food on Saturdays). She got to know him a little. He turned out to be a Vietnam Vet, a musician, and a really well spoken person, but with substance issues.

    Last fall he told her he had been clean and sober for over a year, and was looking for work but he was having trouble getting hired because so many people were looking for work and he didn’t have a fixed address to write on applications. So my friend told another friend in county social services about the guy, and he went over there to meet him and got the guy into some transitional housing and got him to accept food stamps to help him eat properly to get healthier.

    He disappeared from the street a few months ago and my friend got worried, but, it turned out he now has a job so he just isn’t out panhandling anymore. He is paying his own way and will soon be able to get an apartment of his own.

    The guy did the very hardest thing, to get the monkeys off his back, but he needed assistance to get out of homelessness and into a job.

    I’m sorry this post is so long, but it’s a true story and I think that is how public assistance is supposed to work.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    OK, now I wish I needed a car.

    So I could have a bumper.

    With this on a bumper sticker.

    Mr. Wiley, you’ve outdone yourself with this one, I humbly say. Thank you!

  4. almost 15 years ago on MythTickle

    Hmm, I notice that the connection to Valhalla is delayed… I don’t know what to make of that. Valkyrie on strike? Valkyrie’s horse threw a shoe?

    I am enjoying this storyline. I am especially enjoying musing about how Sir Dudley will react to the Egyptian afterlife to rescue Boody.

  5. almost 15 years ago on MythTickle

    Justin - I really like the description of the various underworlds (Annwn for me, thanks, unless I can get chosen for Asgard). I totally was not expecting that punchline, and it rocks (on many levels, no pun intended)!

    (Well, pun intended maybe a little…)

  6. almost 15 years ago on Yenny Lopez

    really beautiful water in the second panel, with the reflection of the moon and the ripples catching the light

  7. almost 15 years ago on Birdbrains

    Ok, this one pulls me out of “lurk.”

    Mr. Blue, if you do get any milk on the inside of your monitor, you’re gonna need this for sure.

    (Extremely safe for work)

  8. almost 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Old wolf, Ambrose Bierce I know the name, but… who is G.J.?

    (I’ll have to think about this poem. The women I know tend to be more the side of the angels.)

  9. almost 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Old Wolf, ”Spam flagged. Wish there were a skilled hacker on the good guy side that could infiltrate this hqiz-eater’s website and trash their servers…”

    I flagged ‘em too.

    The conundrum with hackers is that anybody who is really on the white hat side, won’t hack into anywhere they haven’t been asked to by the site owner themselves.

    I love the expression on Calvin’s face in the 2nd panel, where he’s still holding the book. That could’ve been me years ago.

  10. almost 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I flagged the spammer too. At first I thought it was a bot, now I think it’s a person. Either way it’s a real shame for spammers to come mess up this site.

    I like pizza sans cheese, but it seems like it should have a different name than “pizza” if it’s without cheese.

    Or maybe like someone else said, the cheese grows on trees. We have an authoritative literature source for that:

    “Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew…”

    (bonus points first person to name the author :-) )