Clark and monkey

harkherp Free

An Exotics Veterinarian in the CA Bay Area and an Uber Sci Fi/Comics Geek !

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Recent Comments

  1. over 3 years ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    That is unless your a felon in prison!

  2. over 3 years ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Don’t expect your CA EDD check to come anytime soon!

  3. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics

    Is Three Rocks close to Area 51?

  4. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics

    Is the kid in panel one with a sailor hat, young Joe Biden Perhaps?

  5. almost 4 years ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    He has really good comic character agent! Louis Lagomorpha works out of LA. He represents Buggs, and famous rabbits!

  6. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics

    Nancy really liked the old song “This Old Man”!

  7. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics

    Nancy does live next to a Cilval War Cenitary you know!

  8. almost 4 years ago on Dick Tracy

    How can she tell?

  9. almost 4 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    It’s Colonel Bleep looking for Scratch the Caveman. He and Rufus used to be an item back in the day in the Castro and San Francisco. Most don’t know that fact about Rufus!

  10. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics

    Good work Periquita!