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billyjack71 Free

Retired truck driver & also ex Marine 1970 to 1974.

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  1. about 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Suicide doors are door that open from the front. They came out on the Lincolns years ago.

  2. about 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Good Morning to you all. And may you all have a great day ahead of you. And as far as Calvin goes. I figure if he had a say in it we’d all be carrying Stuffed Tigers around with us. Which I think would be OK as long as we didn’t have to talk to them all day long. Have a good day now. See ya all around like a bunch of donuts.

  3. about 14 years ago on The Boondocks

    We did elect a black president and we’ve had to listen to a bunch of meet me at the gates of hell republicans ever sense. These cry babies are getting to be pretty sickening if you ask me. We really need to get rid of more of these spend us clear out of the bank republicans that we still have left in congress that has forgotten English and the only word they now seem to know is no. They are hoping so bad that we forget that they are the ones that ran us all off into the ditch and they expect us to give them the keys back. In the lat two years they haven’t proved to me that they have learned anything except hate and destruction of the American people. They’re just like this DVD I have that the title of it is Bush’s Brain. He didn’t have one of his own. His Brain walked around beside him every place he went to make sure he didn’t say the wrong things and at all cost put the middle class clear out of the picture. His Brain was in the form of that hog Karl Rove. And now that he is no longer in the white house his brain has left him to wonder around Texas and his family just praying no one takes a shot at him and puts him where he belongs. And another thing republicans want us to forget. They blame Obama for all of this spending when he hasn’t even come close to what Bush-Rove spent to the tune of over 10 billion a month trying to rob a country of all of their oil like they did in Iraq. Which by the way turned out to be nothing more than a great big lie that we found out about when we got over there and our kids started getting sent home in a box for Rove_Bush’s stupidity. Don’t worry republicans between now and Nov. I’m going to make sure that every American doesn’t forget his stupidity that caused us all to loose our jobs, homes, and most of all, our children.

  4. about 14 years ago on Garfield

    I could just see my 3 cats doing that. Qizzie might stay around But Blackie & Mavie would be history.

    Just one other thing while I’m thinking about it. What ever happened to Luann & Perils Before Swine. The Comics suck without them. I want the Crocs back. There’s a lot of other suck type cartoons they could of got rid of first. I guess the editor of the paper didn’t like seeing himself in the Pearls cartoon “The Rat”

  5. about 14 years ago on Fred Basset

    I think you people have this harmless little creature the rabbit mixed up with a skunk. They are the ones that stink to high heaven and the bunny rabbit really make good pets for kids. If what your seeing has a white strict down the middle of it’s back your all wrong. You just killed a rabbit. And you should be ashamed of yourself for doing so. I sure would hate to go deer hunting with you people. It’s hard telling what you might shoot up

  6. over 14 years ago on Garfield

    Garfield wins again. Another fish diner. Maybe they would last longer if Jon got a bigger fish tank. Cats don’t like swimming for their snacks. But then again Garfield would just learn to use a rod & real if he doesn’t eat the worms first

  7. over 14 years ago on Garfield

    Doesn’t Spam stand for ” SOMETHING POSING AS MEAT? ”

  8. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Right on target. Calvin gets his mark every time. I guess Hobbs just doesn’t have what it takes.

  9. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I knew a kid just like him back in school. Which was a long time ago. Where did 49 years go to.

  10. over 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    What an ugly face on a kid. It’s a wonder his tiger buddy doesn’t run away from him sometimes. But then again when I look at him he reminds me of myself when I was his age. It’s a wonder my parents didn’t drop me off somewhere that I couldn’t find my way home.